The Perfect Pet Project is the creation of Leo, an artistic and entrepreneurial seven-year-old. Leo's art is inspired by Naiya, a sweet and loving rescue dog. Not only will owning this NFT support a young artist, but 50% of proceeds from the sale of this NFT (minus gas fees and taxes) will go towards funding The Anti-Cruelty Society's mission to provide food, shelter, care, adoption, and emergency support for animals in need.
Nothing gets between a kid and his dog. That much is true for Leo (7-year-old human, Minecraft aficionado) and & Naiya (7-ish-year-old canine, table scrap connoisseur). In fact, Naiya is the face behind Leo's Perfect Pet Project NFTs.
Naiya was adopted by Leo's family in Chicago in 2017. Not much was known about her background, other than that she was two(ish) and came from Oklahoma. But her new family soon found out that Naiya was the PERFECT pet: adorable, sweet, loyal and endlessly grateful to those who rescued her—perhaps most of all to her best friend Leo.
Fast-forward to 2021 when Leo caught the entrepreneurial bug, BIG time. For weeks on end, he bugged his parents about how he could earn his own money. First, he sold several old toys on Offer Up; he then came to his dad with the idea to sell his art. Dad laughed and joked that Nana and Papa would probably be the only ones interested in buying his art, unless...
Thus the idea to create a series of NFT was born! But dad pressed further: What would inspire Leo's art, and was there a cause to support in the process? Leo immediately looked to Naiya, and the Perfect Pet Project was born!
Under his mom's begrudging tutelage and thanks to a little help from Canva, Leo was quickly dragging and dropping hats, sunglasses, backgrounds and other elements on a Naiya "cartoon."
The rest is history!
Leo and his family hail from Chicago, where Naiya was adopted—and he knew he wanted to support a Chicago organization that helped pets like Naiya. The Anti-Cruelty Society loved the idea, and agreed to help support and promote the project to raise funds to help support their mission.